Saturday, July 10, 2010

Rain Rain GO AWAY!!

Sorry guys, it is pouring at the church right now, so we are going to have to cancel this week!!!

See everyone next week though!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Pictures and Young Gun Stars of the Week!

First off, pictures are up on our face book page, CLICK HERE to go see them!

Secondly, I want to give a quick shout out to our Young Gun Stars of the week:
Ryan Johnson received a Red Star for an amazing move up the field during an advanced game, great moving up the filed Ryan!
Matt Heisey received a Green star for holding his own and being the last man standing!
and Luke Kidwell received a GOLD Star for being the youngest player there, and yet moving up and not being afraid to get shot, great job Luke!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

WOW, What a weekend!!!

If you were here on the 29th you know that we had a great turnout and a great day.  There were 25 first time players and 50 plus total.  The volunteer team is excited about the folks coming out and hope to see even more in the coming weeks.

As numbers go up, it's really important that everyone come ready to play.  We were out of first time loaner equipment, paint and CO2 by 9 o'clock.  Everyone pitched in and everybody had a chance to play, but it would be great if everyone coming could bring at least some paint and have your CO2/air filled.  Bringing an extra gun to loan would be great if you have one.  We only have 8 to loan out right now.  They were gone in no time.

Here's our upcoming schedule

June 5th - Play as normal

June 12th we are cancelled (that's not this week but next week).  There will be an Eagle Project being worked on in the woods and lots of defenseless volunteers down there.

June 19th we play as normal.  It is the first day Mountain Adventure Week.  Mountian Adventure week also cuts loose Saturday with an Ironbirds game. Be sure to mark your calendar and check for other activities that week.  Car Show on Father's Day!!

June 26th As part of Mountain Adventure Week.  We will play as normal, but expect lots of new folks and first timers.  There is a tailgatge later in the day and Fireworks. 

Saturday, May 29, 2010


What a great turnout, and what a fun day of paintball!  Pictures are over at out Facebook fanpage(search for Mountain Christian Church Paintball and add us while you are there!)

We will be add the video we got the past 2 weeks asap as well!

See everyone next week!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New facebook page!

Sorry for no pics this week(My camera ran out of bateries!)

But good news, we now have a facebook page, so add good and add yourself as a fan, and we should be adding some videos we took this week!


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Welcome all new players!

I hope everyone had a great day of paintball!  What a great turnout(we had 40 players total today!)
Thanks again for everyone's help cleaning up the field!

Here is the link for today's pictures, hope to see everyone again next week!


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Yet another great day!

I want to say a special thanks to everyone who stuck around and helped clean up!  Thanks also to all the refs!!

Here are the pictures this week, enjoy!

Friday, May 7, 2010

May 8 Forecast

Things are looking good for May 8. 

Hope to see everyone out there bright and early.  We'll be starting setup at 7:00 am if you want to join us for some fellowship and pre-game fun.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Great day!

I hope everyone had a great time!
Here is a link to the pictures from this week:


See everyone next week!

Friday, April 30, 2010

We're Back!

Saturday May 1 we start the new season!

Time of play of 9:00am - noon.  If you can help set up, we'll be here at 7:00.  If you can help clean up, figure on staying an hour after.

Registration is near the modulars at lot 6. You can drop your gear and park at lot 3 or 10.  EVERYONE NEEDS A WAIVER.  If you are under 18, the waiver MUST be signed by a parent or legal guardian, no exceptions.

If you are a first timer and don't have gear, come with $12 for paint and air.  We'll loan guns until we run out.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

ServeFest Saturday

If you've not heard, this Saturday April 24, 2010 is ServeFest. Folks from churches all over the Central Maryland will be out in the Community helping individuals, groups and organizations that are in need of some physical help and spiritual uplift.

Here at Mountain, we are celebrating ServeFest at a variety of locations. If you;re not plugged in, checkout our website . Lots of serving opportunities still exist.

There will be a tailgate party at the church around 2:30. Come and tell your ServeFest story to others.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Delayed Start

Well sometimes things just don't go as planned. 

We hit a couple of snags with the start tomorrow and with the weather forcast, we have decided to postpone the start of the season.  Keep a lookout on this page. We'll post the new start date as soon as possible.

Apologies, but we'll get it together before you know it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

!!!!!!!!!!!! MARK YOUR CALENDARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!

The start date is set.  Our first offical Saturday of the new season will be

Saturday April 17th.

Keep a check on the site for potential play dates prior to the 17th and information on planning meetings to be held in March.

Spread the word, it's coming soon.